Non-Refundable Fee: | $299.00 |
This is a 6-week intensive educational course geared towards thyroid patients and taught by a board-certified endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid conditions. This six week curriculum will start with an introduction to the thyroid and a review of common thyroid conditions; it will progress to include modules on lifestyle factors, medication considerations, and ways to achieve antibody remission in Hashimoto's Disease and/or Graves' Disease. The course will end with thyroid wellness tips and tricks for the future including how to find the right thyroid provider and how to find the latest, most accurate thyroid information. Dr. Henderson will conduct two interactive real-time ZOOM sessions to answer questions and support the course content.
Test your knowledge! What have you learned about the thyroid gland in Week 1?
Share with the community why you are taking the course and what you hope to learn.
Test your knowledge! What have you learned about thyroid disease in Week 2?
Share with the community your experience with getting an initial thyroid diagnosis.
Test your knowledge! What have you learned about lifestyle factors affecting thyroid functions in Week 3?
Share with the community the lifestyle measures that have made the biggest impact on your thyroid symptoms.
In anticipation for the first LIVE event, please submit your questions for Dr. Henderson on: thyroid basics, Hashimoto's, Graves' Disease, and thyroid-specific lifestyle measures.
Ask Dr. Henderson your questions LIVE on: thyroid basics, Hashimoto's, Graves' Disease, and thyroid-specific lifestyle measures. Please submit your questions in advance. No personal medical questions are permitted.
Test your knowledge! What have you learned about medication options for hypothyroidism?
Share with the community what considerations have you had when starting a new thyroid medicine.
Test your knowledge! What have you learned about thyroid autoimmunity and achieving remission in Week 5?
Share with the community your tips and tricks in achieving and promoting autoimmune remission in your thyroid journey.
Share with the community what thyroid books, courses or resources you've found helpful in your thyroid journey.
In anticipation for the second and final LIVE event, please submit your questions for Dr. Henderson on: available thyroid medicines, thyroid autoimmunity and remission, future thyroid developments and helpful thyroid resources.
Ask Dr Henderson your questions LIVE on: available thyroid medicines, thyroid autoimmunity and remission, future thyroid developments and helpful thyroid resources. Please submit your questions in advance. No personal medical questions are permitted.